Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Honey Glaze Chicken Strips

This dish is simple yet satisfying. The overly dressed sesame aside, the honey glaze chicken strips just make you forget your diet. The "boss" in the house like it with lots of sesame and he have been tasked to "dress" the dish but obviously, the job is taken way serioussssssslyyy... sheeeshhh...

Stuff needed
1/2 kg chicken breast (cut into strips)
3-4 tbsp of honey
1tsp of lemon juice
2 cloves of garlic
1tbsp of soya sauce
dash of salt to taste
spring onions and sesames for garnish

mix all in the above ingredient and marinate the chicken for 15 mins. Once done, you can grill, bake or fry it. The choice is yours. Garnish wifh sesame and spring onions or the likes.

Bon Apetito!!

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