Sunday 20 November 2016

Banana Upside Down Cake

It is Sunday and the sun is out, which is a rare rare sight. I was contemplating between going out or hibernating on the couch with my book. Somehow, somewhat, I decided dressing up to go out for that short Sun is really an effort. Mentally I am doing the math of by the time I get dress, put on the socks and jacket and shawl and all that jazz, the SUN will play me out. Its a lame excuse I know, but its not all that bad. After all, I do get some work DONE!! Its the Banana Upside Down Cake people!!  I love doing work like this when I am home alone. The kitchen is really my playground and I am in my element when I get down to it. To stay home is a wise call after all. 

Banana Upside Down Cake
Ingredients for  the batter (good for 9" round pan)
3-4 ripe bananas (to be mashed)
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/4 cup sugar (I don't like my desserts too sweet)
1 tb sp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 cups flour
Mixed all the above into the mashed banana, folding the flour with normal spoon will do. You don't need electric mixer for this.

For the bottom layer
2-3 bananas to be sliced
diced almond to be scattered over the caramelised sugar for extra crunch
*1/2 cup brown sugar or raw sugar 
*3 tb spn butter
For the marked items, please heat up on non stick pan till caramelised and be very careful because it is really hot)

Pour the melted sugar and butter over the base of pan. I always put a baking paper on my baking pan so that cleaning up is easier. Arranged the banana slices on it. Pour batter over it and pop into the over for 20-30 mins, @180deg.  When done, let it cool for 20 mins or so, or until the caramelised bit hardened. Then you can flip and turn your cake.

    Arrange the banana slices on top the caramelised sugar. Add the almond bits before the 
    batter. I forgot to take the picture with it!!

   Pour the batter once you have creatively arrange the banana

    Look how gorgeous it is once bake? the sticky caramelising bit just make you drool!!

    Forgive the blur picture but I am just too excited and can't wait to taste it!

   Amazingly, it is not sweet at all. Maybe because I halved everything and the cake just 
   balance the caramel bit. The almonds just add that crunch, super!! Having a second 
   helping now!!

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