Thursday 11 January 2018

Beef Pho-express version

I had a craving for Pho for many days but the laborious work of making the perfect Pho put me off. At some point, I cave in to my craving and decided to make an "express version" of it. Barely 30mins of chopping and slicing and working in the kitchen, I can smirkly said its a success.

Using leftover beef(I know ideally slice etc but we are talking "express" here) and I am using whatever ingredients I had in the pantry so its really a forgiving Pho:)

For soup:
2 onions (slice, roasted or fried w/o out oil)
2 cloves garlic (smashed, roasted or fried w/o out oil)
2inch ginger
4 star anise 
2cinnamon stick
2 ballpeppers (roasted or fried w/o out oil)
1tbsp fish sauce
Beef stock or vege stock

Bean Sprout
Beef chunks or slices

 Just love the clean and clear taste. I feel "healthy" slurping the soup and this call for a second serving! Perfect booster for the harsh winter!

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